Dr. Zin Zin Oo(Myanmar)

Dr. Zin Zin Oo (Professor)
Department of Myanmar
1997-1999: Tutor, Department of Myanmar, Institute of Computer Science & Technology
1999-2000; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Technology University, Pyay
2000-2002; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Yangon University
2002-2003; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Taungoo University
2003-2005; Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Taungoo University
2005-2010; Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Dagon University
2010-2011; Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Myeik University
2011-2016; Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Bago University
2016-2019; Lecturer, Department of Myanmar, Yangon University
2019-2021; Assistant Professor, Department of Myanmar, Lashio University
2021-2022; Professor, Department of Myanmar, Dawei University
2022 to the Present: Professor, Department of Myanmar, Yangon University of Education

Academic Background
1991: BA Myanmar, Yangon University
1997: MA Myanmar, Yangon University
2019: PhD Myanmar, Yangon University

Other experience:
Graduate School: Undergraduate:

Membership of academic societies:

Other Training:
-The Basic Computer course, Institute of Computer Science of Technology, Yangon (1998)
-YANGON-CMU Thai Language and Culture Program 2017

Myanmar Universities
International Text Book Publication

-To study literature and to create different learning experiences for our students
-success comes as a result of hard work, persistence, Learning from failure, and perfection