Dr. Khin Swe Win (Associate Professor)
Department of Mathematics
1997 - 2002: Tutor, Department of Mathematics, Taungyi University
2002 - 2005: Tutor, Department of Mathematics, Dagon University
2005 - 2008: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Dagon University
2008 - 2010: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Mathematic, Maubin University
2010 - 2011: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,Maubin University
2011 - 2018: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Yangon
2018 - 2019: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Sittway University
2019 - 2021: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University of Education
2021 to the Present: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Yangon University of Education
Academic Background
1993: BSc (Hons:) Mathematics, University of Yangon 1998: MSc Mathematics, University of Yangon 2022: PhD, Mathematics, University of YangonOther experience:
2013 - 2017: Supervising the dissertation of the M.Res and M.Sc students who worked with the field specialization in Department of Mathematics.
Khin Swe Win (2017), The Existence and the Uniqueness of Finite Fields,The Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science Journal, Vol.XV, 45 - 56pp.
Khin Swe Win (2019), A Study on Euler’s Criterion Theorems, Sittway University Research Journal,
Vol.6, No.2, 62 - 68pp.
Khin Swe Win (2020), Designing Polygon-stars Structure Using Properties of Cyclic Group, Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Technology, Vol.1, Issue 1,115 - 121 pp.
Khin Swe Win (2021) Some Characterizations of Completely Normal Bases of Finite Field, Yangon University of Education Research Journal, Vol. 11, No.2, 119 - 124pp.
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